18 Mar 2016
A-Group is honored to be the main sponsor of the International Joint Conference
DA-Group is honored to be the main sponsor of the International Joint Conference
The theme of the symposium is MILLIMETER-WAVE AND TERAHERTZ SENSING AND COMMUNICATIONS. It covers millimeterwave and THz antennas, circuits, devices, systems and applications.
The joint conference will be composed of keynote speeches and invited speeches, technical sessions, panels and exhibitions.
From the event's GSMM2016 home page, you'll find the program, the keynote speeches and other useful information about the venue.
It will be great to meet you and present our capabilities as well as tell you about our recent space projects.
It would be our pleasure to have you in Finland and as our guests!
Please contact Petri Jukkala or his assistant for further information:
Petri Jukkala
Business Director, Space Technology
Tel. +358 29 0800 926
email: firstname.lastname@da-design.fi
Maija Julin
Sales and Marketing Manager
Tel. +358 29 0800 924