DA-Group is a trusted partner to defence forces as well as to domestic and international defence and security industry. DA-Group helps customers to improve performance and safety by creating new solutions or by modernizing existing systems.
We offer the entire service chain to deliver systems, subsystems and equipment from research, design and development, testing and manufacturing to complete product lifecycle management. We provide the industry-leading solutions we provide solutions for ship systems and warship combat resilience, electronic warfare, space situational awareness and space intelligence, among others.
We have long-standing expertise in both air explosions and underwater explosions and how they interact with the ship, its structures and systems allowing us to provide both the safest and most effective naval mines but also to help you design the most resilient ships.
SURMA Survivability Management Tools and Consulting
is the first choice for all Navy Combat Survivability needs.
RAHKO Degaussing and Shipborne Systems
offer the most user-friendly, cost-effective and easy-to-maintain turn-key solutions for shipborne degaussing and magnetic signature management.
We provide electronic warfare solutions for system testing, measurements and communication.
DARAD EW System Tester
offers the most user-friendly, mobile and adaptive supplier-independent system tester for any platforms self-protection systems.
iSNS immune Satellite Navigation System
provides reliable GNSS reception for any platform in any condition, free from spamming and spoofing.
Our space situational awareness and spacecraft systems are powering satellites, probes and land stations in operation today and tomorrow.
Spacecraft Systems
has been provided by DA-Group for decades. We deliver systems, subsystems and equipment, including all phases of development design, manufacture and testing, for both spaceflight and ground-based applications, in-house. Read more in the Space section.
Space Situational Awareness (SSA)
combines multiple modern technologies, such as satellite imaging and IoT technologies, to provide critical information for uses in aviation, military, healthcare as well as everyday consumer applications. DA-Group has worked for decades on spacecraft systems, and therefore, also applies its RF and microwave knowhow and services for Space Situational Awareness applications.
We utilize our in-house research, design, manufacturing and testing capabilities to offer full life-cycle support with secure supply chain throughout the manufacturing.
DA-Group's long history with embedded systems and electronics offers a strong base for designing and manufacturing cutting-edge solutions for demanding defence needs. Our know-how in electronics, software, FPGA, signal processing, hardware and mechanics design as well as RF and microwave technologies enables us to provide the advanced solutions from seabed to space.
Read more about DA-Group as a company here »
DA-Group offers accredited testing services for a wide range of electronic and mobile solutions and products in its testing laboratories for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and radio frequency (RF) testing of electrical, electronic and radio frequency equipment. The accredited scope includes most of the key emission and immunity measurement standards as well as several harmonized standards related to the EMC and Radio Equipment Directive.
Read more about our Testing services here »
We are a trusted partner to our customers when it comes to the manufacturing and assembly of systems, electronic equipment and electronics or the manufacturing of precision mechanics. Our manufacturing unit has been certified according to the ISO 9001 standard.
Please send us a message to sales@da-group.fi or use our contact form. We are pleased to answer your questions promptly!
Forcit Group and DA-Group have signed an agreement whereby DA-Group will sell the naval mine technology to Forcit Group.